The Youth hub at the Sidney Walter Centre is run in conjunction with the DWP. Open Monday - Thursday 10am - 4pm the hub is a space any young person aged 16-24 can access personalised careers and wellbeing support from the SID Youth programme workers and attend their Universal Credit appointments in the more relaxed environment of the hub.
We offer CV advice, interview prep and tips on job search, alongside having visiting employers and course providers in the hub and our annual apprenticeship recruitment event attracts local employers from a wide range of industries with training opportunities. Throughout the year we run personal development and wellbeing courses and drop-ins. We have worked alongside partners such as MyBnk, South Downs Leisure and Barclays to offer life skills and work readiness workshops.
You don’t need an appointment to access youth hub support, just drop in when we are open and find out how we can help you.
Sidney Walter Centre, Sussex Rd, Worthing BN11 1DS