Director & Programme Lead
I have lived and worked in the local area my whole life and want to help shape the future of what support to young people and families look like. I am involved in the development and delivery of all of the projects currently offered by The Sid Youth.
Over the past 17 years I have worked in a variety roles all related to children, young people and families. This includes Managing a near-to-school provision for students at risk of exclusion from mainstream school, Pastoral leader in a local mainstream high school, Youth worker for both local government and voluntary sector, Residential childcare officer in open and secure settings, Complex high-risk case manager, Leaving-care personal advisor, and more recently as a REBOOT Youth Coach.
During my career I have also spent time working abroad as a camp counsellor in the USA and volunteering to take UK students on overseas trips to support localised projects in India, Uganda and Malawi. This provided those students with life-changing experiences that will stay with them forever and shape not only who they are, but also who they will become in the future.
This varied set of roles has allowed for several professional development opportunities alongside personal growth that has helped me to develop into the worker I am today. I have played a major role in creating content for one-to-one and group work programmes that have been used across the county.
I have spent the whole of my working life supporting children, young people and families. Many of whom had been identified as having complex needs, displayed challenging behaviour or needed advice and guidance to make positive changes moving forward. My motivation comes from a passionate belief that there are positives in everyone. Not all young people conform to societal norms and starting The Sid Youth now gives me flexibility in the approaches used to help those that need a bit more support in finding what’s there inside them.