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Director & Programme Lead

I have worked with young people and families for 22 years which has included working in High Schools, youth centres, The Reboot programme and the WSCC early help team. I enjoy supporting young people and helping them build on existing strengths as well as providing new opportunities.


My role at the Sid Youth consists of many different parts. I am a director but get involved in many parts of the delivery of services we offer. I enjoy supporting all young people but have found a particular interest in supporting those young people at risk of exploitation. Setting up The Sid Youth has given us a real creative license to offer a wide range of support for young people and I would say we work in both a pro-active and re-active way so that the needs of young people are met.


In my free time I like to watch all football, Netflix, playing sports, and a bit of gaming. I like to try new things and like to take a challenge on!

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