The Sid Youth Archive
Welcome to our 'Sid Youth Archive'...
Throughout our companies existence we have created, delivered and supported a variety of programmes, mentoring and workshops.
While we may not offer these services anymore, it is still important to discuss the success of previous projects as it allows you to gain insight in to some of our core company beliefs and aims...
Detached Work
We undertook some detached work in Sompting and Worthing. This included visiting youth ASB (Anti Social Behaviour) “hot spots” to engage with young people and aim to reduce ASB. We engaged with many different young people and were also able to hand out some gym memberships, boxing vouchers and refreshments, as well as offering support to any young person needing it.
This also provided us with a chance to talk with young people in places they have chosen to be in. The work was funded by Sompting Big Local and Adur and Worthing Council. We are currently not involved in any detached work as there are other local services doing this.
Youth Employability
As a result of the pandemic, younger people experienced the bulk of job losses, redundancies and reduced employment and training opportunities. We were approached by the council to offer support to young people to help remove some of the barriers they faced in getting back into education, training, or employment.
We provided two youth coaches who worked alongside the work coaches (DWP) at the youth employability Hub in Worthing. The role of our youth coaches in the Hub was to work with unemployed residents of Adur and Worthing aged 18-24 to support them in their journey back into training, education or work. This work included working 1:1 at the hub and Sidney Walter Centre, outreach work in the community and group work to help identify and remove any barriers that may be preventing them from reaching their aspirations.
We work with the Young people to understand what support they may need, before agreeing on some clear goals together. In some cases, we will signpost to local organisations that best meet the young person’s needs but continuing to support them alongside this. We work with the Job Centre Work Coaches to create a joined up approach to supporting Young People and aim to help build resilience and skills for future employment.
We have run a variety of programmes both in house and alongside other agencies such as WEA, Albion in the community, Vocate, NCS, Money Management, CSCS card training. Some of the programmes delivered at the HUB have included:
This group was delivered by one of our youth coaches and was a rolling programme focussing on well-being.
Theatrical make up
We funded a 6 week course delivered by a local theatrical make up company and our Youth Coach. The aim is to give young people a new opportunity and to give them the chance to meet new people as well as trying something that was out of their comfort zone.
Money Management
This programme was delivered by …….. and focused on supporting the clients with managing money including budgeting, education around bank services and more.
Dare to Dream
Dare to dream was a 4 session programme delivered monthly………….
We have supported young people over time to help gain support in regards to managing their mental health, physical health, addressing housing needs, access to food, managing debts by liaising with relevant agencies. We have also helped to create CV’s, covering letters, applying for jobs and practising interview techniques. Our work aims to work alongside the Work Coaches but offering support that the job centre is not always able to offer meaning the young people are getting a more rounded offer of support.
We have seen some really positive outcomes for the young people we have supported including getting some back into work or training as well as seeing others grow in confidence, have improved well-being, having focus, and have some issues that have impacted on their life dealt with so help them both short term and long term.